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Il est indéniable qu'il faut un certain temps pour s'habituer aux lentilles de contact. Mais lorsque vous êtes prêt à porter des lentilles, elles font partie de votre routine quotidienne et, comme toute nouvelle habitude, il vous faut un peu de pratique.

Avant de commencer

  • Relax ! Mettre et retirer les lentilles de contact Duette peut vous sembler étrange au premier abord, mais avec la pratique cela deviendra une seconde nature.
  • Lavez-vous les mains avec un savon sans huiles ou lotions et séchez-les avec une serviette non pelucheuse.
  • Assurez-vous que la lentille est propre et exempte de dommages.
  • Assurez-vous de mettre vos lentilles dans le même ordre chaque jour pour éviter de confondre lentille droite et gauche.
  • Évitez d’utiliser des produits cosmétiques à base d’huile, les savons pour les mains ou les lotions. Les produits à base d’huile peuvent endommager de façon permanente la surface de vos lentilles.

À quoi vous attendre

Les lentilles de contact peuvent offrir une vision et un confort supérieurs. Il est normal d’avoir conscience de la présence de lentilles pendant quelques jours, lors de la phase d’adaptation à la sensation des lentilles hybrides de haute technologie Duette, mais cette sensation va diminuer au fil du temps.

Duette Pose

putting in duette lensesLavez-vous toujours les mains avec un savon doux et séchez-les bien avec une serviette non pelucheuse avant de manipuler les lentilles. Il est opportun de mettre vos lentilles toujours dans le même ordre chaque jour pour éviter de les confondre. Mettre les lentilles Duette est comme mettre une lentille de contact souple.

Putting in Duette lenses is just like putting in a soft contact lens.

  1. Place the lens on the tip of your finger. A drop of preservative-free lubricant can be added to the bowl, if desired.
  2. Pull down on you lower lid and gently place the lens on your eye. Slowly release your eyelid and blink several times.

 Duette Removal

“Tissue Trainer” Method

First, practice removing your lenses with a tissue. The tissue should make removing these moist lenses easy, and can always be used as a “back-up” removal method if needed.

handlin care duette4

  1. Place the tissue over your forefinger and thumb.
  2. Using a strong narrow pinch, with the fingertips at the 5 and 7 o’clock positions on the lens, apply slight pressure; wait for a “1, 2” count and then roll fingertips together and back toward the palm of the hand.






DRY Finger “Pinch” Method

remove duette lenses

Once you are comfortable and confident using a tissue to remove your lenses, you can practice removing the lenses without the tissue, using a strong narrow pinch with very dry fingers (in place of the dry tissue).

  1. Using one hand, pull your upper lid back.
  2. Using your finger on the opposite hand, pull down your lower lid gently.
  3. Place very dry fingertips at the 5 and 7 o’clock positions on the lens and apply slight pressure; wait for a “1, 2” count and then roll fingertips together and back toward the palm of the hand.
    1. Fingers need to be dried with a towel between each removal attempt. Rubbing fingers together until heat is felt from the friction will also ensure fingers are completely dry.




Caring for Your Lenses

Clean Your Duette Lenses Daily

clean your duette lenses

    1. Place the lens bowl-side up in the palm of your hand. Rinse your lenses with a daily cleaner approved for soft contact lenses. Never use tap water to rinse or store your lenses.
    1. With the pad of your ring finger, gently rub the entire lens in a circular motion against the palm of your hand. Be sure to thoroughly clean the front and back of the lens and then rinse it well with a saline solution such as LacriPure from Menicon.
    1. Store your lenses in either a hydrogen peroxide system OR multi-purpose disinfecting solution, as recommended by your eye care professional.

The recommended replacement schedule for Duette lenses is every six months.

It is important that you always follow your eye care professional’s instructions. Based on your individual needs, your eye care professional may recommend a different replacement schedule.

Lens Care Solutions

Disinfection Systems: Use chemical (not heat) disinfection systems (Multi-Purpose or Hydrogen Peroxide* solutions), as recommended by your eye care professional.

Daily Cleaner: The standard of care for contact lenses recommends using a daily cleaner approved for soft contact lenses.

Rewetting Drops: If needed, use rewetting drops approved for soft contact lenses, as directed by your eye care practitioner.

If lenses have TangibleTM Hydra-PEG coating, alcohol-based or abrasive solutions should be avoided.

*In some patients the tear chemistry may react with the hydrogen peroxide to cause a permanent white ring at the junction of the rigid center and soft skirt. This ring does not affect vision or comfort.

UltraHealth Application and Removal


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